Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom nestled between the Whispering Woods and the Glimmering Sea, there lived a clever alchemist named Elara. She was known far and wide for her enchanting creations, but none were as wondrous as her latest invention: the Prehistoric Bath Bomb Eggs
Elara's Prehistoric Bath Bomb Eggs were no ordinary bath bombs. Each was crafted with a swirl of vibrant colors and filled with the essence of dragon fire and mermaid song. These eggs held a special magic that was only released when they met water. Continue tale here..
Set of 6 bath bombs
Each bath bomb is between 95-100 gr.
2 x Midnight Blue - (blue & purple) - An exotic fruity explosion blended with vanilla and a touch of marshmallow and musk. Very yummy!!
2 x Ignis - (red & yellow) - Tart citrus, red berries, pineapples, melon and peach with a hint of fresh ozone-sky and fluffy middle note of Jasmine, Violet and Pear and orange Blossoms. On a bed of coconut cream & vanilla.
2 x Zirconis (teal & lime) - A mix of tropical fruits and berries, with notes of pineapple, orange with tart cranberries and sweet ripened to perfection peaches & peach nectar mingled with floral notes of cyclamen and cherry blossom
Carton - E 580 gr Cartons for the eggs will be picked at random! (green or red)
3D Printed Articulated Crystal Dragons - 60cm long:
Material : PLA, PLA Silk
Safety Disclaimer:
Choking hazard parental supervision advised.
Dragons are designed and have many pointy parts.
They are not intended for children aged three (3) and under.
3D printed items might have hidden flaws and small parts that when broken could present a choking hazard.
Each dragon is 3D printed by EBB under authorized license. The finished product colour may vary from the picture as each piece is printed separately. Each dragon is printed on demand each taking over 15 hours to make. So please allow 5 business days for this to be shipped.
Run the bath tub half way or so... place the bomb in the water and hold it while it releases its beauty. When done run the tub to its full capacity (of as much as you like)... you'll see more bubbles rising... hop in ... Soak and relax... enjoy it as much as you may please...!!!
Note: please do not rub the bomb or crush it as it may stain your skin if handled too aggressive
Extra care is needed when exiting, as the bath may be slippery.
Ingredients: Plenty of Love and care, Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Epsom Salt, Cream of Tartar, Kaolin Clay, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Fragrance Oil, Essential Oil, Sodium Lauryl Sulfoacetate - SLSA, Colour
STORAGE: Please keep your bombs in a dry dark place away from humidity. Use within 3 months from purchase.
Extra care is needed when getting out of the tub, as the bath may be slippery.
PACKAGING: 6 gorgeous egg bath bombs are packed in an egg carton and shrink wrapped for freshness. Egg carton color may vary from green to pink and orange. And are randomly picked.
Note: Cruelty free product, no animal testing! Only the family!!
These bath bombs smell absolutely divine and create a very relaxing bath. They leave my skin feeling smooth and soft and I will be purchasing again!
I bought these for my grandkids and they were delighted. Not only did they smell beautiful, they were very fizzy.
Smell amazing kids love em
From the mouths of babes - I love my dragon eggs mama thank you for getting them for me! ❤️
These all smell so fantastic it was hard for us to choose a favourite but Mr 3 landed on Midnight Blue (because of the lovely blue bath water) and I landed on Zirconis because I love tropical smells and this literally smells good enough to eat (don’t though!)
Extremely cute dragon, great price.
All products will be placed in a box safely secured with biodegradable packing peanuts and wrapped with our luxury wrapping paper and ribbon. Just $6 per gift.